Jassby is an early stage fintech startup (as of this writing) seeking to be an allowance and money app for families. At Jassby, I wore many hats as one usually does at a startup. On the front end, I developed for their customer facing website and web app with the frequent use of JQuery and Bootstrap. On the back end, I used PHP and mySql for their API and database, for tasks including accounts, login, parental controls, and returning JSON objects to dynamically generate screens for the iOS app. I developed the internal company intranet/portal software. I implemented and assisted in the development of several features and widgets for the web app, including but not limited to notifications, social media login, date picking, and validations. I also developed Jassby's news blog using Wordpress.

Being the nature of startups, most of my work at Jassby has been suplanted. The web app I worked on was cut for favoring focus to the iOS app, and the current website does not have anymore of my code in it except for perhaps the terms of service page. Fortunately, thanks to the magic of the internet archive, snapshots of some of my work at Jassby survives.

Home Page

I implemented this webpage from a design sketch along with several others in the spring of 2018 for Jassby. This homepage features a screenshot of the only surviving image of the Jassby web app in the carousel.

App Login Page

I built this page from a design sketch, and also coded the client-side login validations. I also contributed multiple commits to the /accounts api call this page used.

Jassby Blog

The blog design in this snapshat is a redesign from 2019 done after Jassby hired a dedicated UI developer, but it ran on the same wordpress base that I implemented.